Shifting Design III - David Dobie

The stand-alone objects are re-manufactured trees which in time could be assumed to be what a forest is, and by our social nature assimilated as real. The concept of taking the drawings on paper attached to wood frameworks to become trees emphasizes the extent to which we as humans will travel to justify the costs of our desires. Join us on February 1st at 1 pm to hear David's Artist Talk.

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Royalty - Lars Baggenstos

The up to seven foot tree trunks are shaped with chainsaws and chisels into the human figure. Just one crucial part is missing: the head. Fragile and headless they stand in the public space. As if they lost their senses somewhere. And in a desperate measure these wooden bodies try to replace the void between their shoulders with up rooted tree stumps, the trash from clear cuts. These ill fitting crowns question the human as the pinnacle of evolution.

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